'Little Bunny Foo Foo' lyrics
Here are the lyrics to 'Little bunny Foo Foo'

Who can forget the nursery rhyme 'Little bunny Foo Foo' with the good fairy teaching Bunny Foo Foo kindness and right from wrong? Did you know it is sung to the same tune as the children's song 'Alouette'?
'Little bunny Foo Foo' lyrics
Little bunny Foo Foo,
Hopping through the forest,
Scooping up the field mice,
And bopping them on the head.
Down came the good fairy,
And the good fairy said,
"Little bunny Foo Foo, I don't wanna see you,
Scooping up the field mice,
And bopping them on the head."
"I'm gonna give you 3 chances,
Then I'm gonna turn you into a goon!"
Little bunny Foo Foo!
Little bunny Foo Foo,
Hopping through the forest,
Scooping up the field mice,
And bopping them on the head.
Down came the good fairy,
And the good fairy said,
"Little bunny Foo Foo, I don't wanna see you,
Scooping up the field mice,
And bopping them on the head."
"I'm gonna give you 2 chances,
Then I'm gonna turn you into a goon!"
Little bunny Foo Foo,
Hopping through the forest,
Scooping up the field mice,
And bopping them on the head.
Down came the good fairy,
And the good fairy said,
"Little bunny Foo Foo, I don't wanna see you,
Scooping up the field mice,
And bopping them on the head."
"I'm gonna give you 1 chance,
Then I'm gonna turn you into a goon!"
Little bunny Foo Foo,
Hopping through the forest,
Scooping up the field mice,
And bopping them on the head.
Down came the good fairy,
And the good fairy said,
"Little bunny Foo Foo, I don't wanna see you,
Scooping up the field mice,
And bopping them on the head."
"I gave you three chances,
And you didn't behave,
And now I'm gonna turn you into a goon. POOF!