Royal Opera House • Notre Dame • I Fagiolini

Welcome to the June episode of the BBC Music Magazine podcast. This month we're celebrating Clara Schumann – astounding pianist, brilliant composer and general all-round musical powerhouse. Hear a clip of her Piano Trio in this podcast, as featured on your cover CD this month. Plus, we explore the turbulent life of Alma Mahler and take a look at the legendary Battle of the Baritones at the 1989 Cardiff Singer of the World competition.
It's been a busy month in the news, and we bring you the latest on a landmark legal case involving the Royal Opera House, who's in and who's out at English National Opera and cellist Yo-Yo Ma's performance at the US-Mexico border.
And we've also each brought along one of our favourite new recordings to share with you all, including Olivier Latry's recital from Notre Dame, I Fagiolini's Leonardo da Vinci tribute and an album of Jonathan Dove's orchestral works.
This episode is presented by editor Oliver Condy, with deputy editor Jeremy Pound and managing editor Rebecca Franks. It was produced by Jack Bateman and Ben Youatt.
Links: News: Yo-Yo Ma at the US-Mexico border:; Royal Opera House loses appeal:; English National Opera's Coliseum doors:; Magazine: BBC Music Magazine June issue:; First Listen: Olivier Latry's Bach to the Future (Oliver's choice); I Fagiolini's Seeing the Invisible (Rebecca's choice); The Orchestral Music of Jonathan Dove (Jeremy's choice)